
Capacity Building Project

BMRS wish to acknowledge a grant from BIM to the value of €73,124.85 as a contribution towards a Capacity Building Project with a total cost of €146,249.69. These funds were advanced by the EU under the Brexit Adjustment Reserve Fund. Objective The primary objective is focused on a new purpose-built seaweed hatchery which will be constructed onsite...

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  1527 Hits

Turning the tide on antibiotic resistance: how seaweed can be a medicine for the future

My name is Ailbhe McGurrin and I am a PhD researcher funded by the Irish Research Council Enterprise Partnership Scheme. My PhD project is in partnership between University College Dublin and Bantry Marine Research Station Ltd.  My research explores the medicinal and biotechnological properties of Irish seaweeds. Seaweeds are full of tiny chem...

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  1836 Hits

Biorefine Conference - ‘The role of biorefineries in European agriculture’

BMRS attended the Biorefine conference 'The role of biorefineries in European agriculture' (30 & 31 May 2022)' in Ghent Belgium.  At this event Julie Maguire Phd Presented ' Value Chain of European Seaweed' under the category of Value chain assessment of waste-to-bioenergy and bioproducts solutions and Priya Pollard, ESR 7 on the Agre...

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  2602 Hits

EMFF Operational Programme 2014-2020 Sustainable Aquaculture Scheme Capacity Building Upgrade

Bantry Marine Research Station Ltd. announced in August 2020, the completion of an investment project to upgrade its laboratory infrastructure with a total investment of €71,223. The project was part funded by the Irish Government and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund under the Sustainable Aquaculture Development Scheme and was administered ...

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  4152 Hits

Bantry Marine Research Station Ltd Receives €270,672.75 in EU Funding

Bantry Marine Research Station Ltd. announced in May 2019, the completion of an investment project with a total investment of €541,345.51. The project was part funded by the Irish Government and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund under the Sustainable Aquaculture Development Scheme and was administered by Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), Ireland's ...

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  3074 Hits

BMRS Attends the Farming Seaweed workshop in Ennis

BMRS attended the Farming Seaweed workshop hosted by BIM in Ennis, Co Clare on April 10.  Over 70 industry representatives including seaweed producers, regulators and processors attended the one day workshop, This workshop was held in response to a growing interest in farming seaweed and in producing seaweed products (in Ireland) following sea...

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  4169 Hits

BMRS and the "Urban Curtain" Project

BMRS became involved in an art installation named Photo.Synth.Etica to highlight the devastating impact of carbon emissions on the planet. Known as the 'urban curtain' the installation is made up of 16, 2 x 7 metre modules, each containing micro-algae cultures sourced from BMRS and wrapped around Dublin Castle's Printworks building.​The modules are...

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  3105 Hits

New Equipment to increase our capabilities

​Now installed and ready for use, our new UHPLC machine and new cell counter. The new equipment will enhance our ability to deal with various analytical challenges. We are looking forward to putting them to good use. UHPLC Cell Counter

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SEATRACES Project meeting

SEATRACES project kick-off meeting was held in Vigo (Galicia-Spain), with the participation of 6 EU countries, with 19 partners and coordinated by the Food Biochemistry group of the Marine Research Instituto (IIMCSIC). Julie Maguire, BMRS research director is taking part of the project! The main objective of this project is to demonstrate that trac...

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  2822 Hits

YAS 2018 Abstract Submission Deadline Extended

The latest update from the organizers of the upcoming Young Algaeneers Symposium (YAS 2018).  First item is that the abstract submission deadline has been extended to April 20th. But we have more! We are so happy with the good reception YAS 2018 is having and we want to thank you for that. For that reason, we open two awards cat...

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  2540 Hits

Are biologically based plastics a realistic replacement for petrochemical plastics?

 Will petrochemical plastics be replaced by bio-plastics? A highly recommended article by Sylvia Thompson, in which Julie Maguire, the BMRS Research Director, talks about how they made bio-plastics products from seaweed and the importance of it ((as part as Seabioplas project)! Read the full article

  2361 Hits

Watch Julie Maguire's presentation from the EurOcean Event in Brussels!

Julie Maguire gave a presentation on Seabioplas at the European Parliament on the 22nd February.

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Young Algaeneers Symposium 2018

​May 16-18, 2018  The fourth edition of the Young Algaeneers Symposium (YAS 2018) is a symposium designed and organised by young scientists for young scientists, addressing all aspects of algal (both micro and macro) research and technology. Masters and PhD students, as well as early-stage Post-Docs working on microalgae (cyanobacteria and euk...

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  1643 Hits

AtlantOS – Optimising and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing Systems

 Atlantic Ocean observation is currently undertaken through loosely-coordinated, in-situ observing networks, satellite observations and data management arrangements of heterogeneous international, national and regional design to support science and a wide range of information products. Thus, there is tremendous opportunity to develop the syste...

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  • 2015 - 2019
  • European Commission Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
  • €20,732,923
  • GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research (Germany)
  • 62
  1570 Hits

C-TEP - The European Space Agency's Coastal Thematic Exploitation Platform

Thematic Exploitation Platforms are ESA's latest exploration to help society extract, and benefit from, the wealth of information held in archives, and data streams of Earth Observation Data. In this light, TEPs can be seen as enablers. Allowing better, more informed and relevant decisions (in C-TEPs case on our coastal environment and resources), ...

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  • 2013 - 2017
  • European Space Agency
  • €999,898
  • ACRI-ST SAS (France)
  • 10
  1694 Hits

ODIN - Food-based solutions for optimum vitamin D nutrition and health through the life cycle

Vitamin D deficiency has significant implications for human health and impacts on healthy growth and development and successful aging. Fundamental knowledge gaps are barriers to implementing a safe and effective public health strategy to prevent vitamin D deficiency and optimise status. ODIN is working to provide the evidence to prevent vitamin D d...

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  • 2013 - 2017
  • European Commission FP7 Knowledge-based bio-economy
  • €5,998,084
  • University College Cork (Ireland)
  • 31
  1785 Hits

The Organic Industry is Booming – Great News for Organic Seaweed!

Drivers for Organic Food Growth
Figures from the Soil Association state that you can now buy organic products from over 8,000 outlets, including major retailers. Research carried out by the Soil Association, shows more and more people are questioning the origin of their foods, and have concerns around production and trusting ingredients. Clare McDermott, business development director for the Soil Association states there are three main drivers for organic food

  2347 Hits

Minister Creed announces Marine Institute funding grants totalling €3.3 million

 The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed TD, today announced the awarding of a total of €3.3 million grant funding though the Marine Institute to research projects in two areas - specialist marine equipment and Ocean Law and Marine Governance. Some 19 funding grants in total have been made in the area of specialist mar...

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  2319 Hits

The Current State of Seaweed: Part II

The growth of the seaweed aquaculture industry is good for the economy and good for the ocean. The process of growing seaweed is environmentally friendly. Apart from planting the seeds and ensuring the seaweed is in a clean environment, seaweed often does not need feed or additional attention. The plants can grow naturally. Seaweed farms also creat...

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  2544 Hits

This Edible Packaging Will Make You Reconsider Seaweed

This is the latest in a regular series exploring early-stage technologies and scientific developments that could play a role in corporate solutions to climate change. (The previous installments are here.) Email ideas and pitches to . Many Westerners don't include seaweed in their regular greens consumption unless they're sushi e...

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  2917 Hits